全球藝情Music Global :『 Zomp』爵士二重奏

  • 2024/10/16 (三) ~ 2024/10/19 (六)
  • 臺北市 大同區 迪化街一段34號三樓大樂房
We are Zomp, an electronic band created by @seamu3 and @camils.moor

🎶 大稻埕國際藝術節即將來臨!你準備好迎接一場超酷的音樂派對了嗎?

🎶由Seamus Blake和Camila Moukarzel-Ortega將帶來前所未有的音樂體驗!



您好,歡迎蒞臨我們的聲響世界。我們是一支新樂隊,叫做 Zomp(至少現在是這樣),它的基調綠色(恰好是我們最喜歡的顏色)

我們與 EWI 一起創作電子樂(至少目前如此,沒人知道未來會怎樣),我們想與您一同共享這段旅程! 

Hello and welcome to our sonic world. We are a new band, called Zomp (at least for now), which is a tonality of green (which happens to be our favorite color). 

We do electronic music with EWIs (at least for now, who knows what the future has in hold for us) and we’d like you to share this journey with us! 


Seamus & Camila

Follow us: https://www.instagram.com/zomp.band/


<p>Zomp is an electronic duo comprising Canadian-American jazz saxophonist Seamus Blake and Spanish/Chilean flutist Camila Moukarzel-Ortega. The duo uses breath-controlled synthesizers.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>With divergent backgrounds in Jazz and classical music, Blake and Ortega forge new territory with propulsive drum machine rhythms and synthetic counterpoint. Moukarzel is a dynamic figure in the global music scene, having performed alongside renowned orchestras worldwide.&nbsp;</p>

Zomp is an electronic duo comprising Canadian-American jazz saxophonist Seamus Blake and Spanish/Chilean flutist Camila Moukarzel-Ortega. The duo uses breath-controlled synthesizers. 

With divergent backgrounds in Jazz and classical music, Blake and Ortega forge new territory with propulsive drum machine rhythms and synthetic counterpoint. Moukarzel is a dynamic figure in the global music scene, having performed alongside renowned orchestras worldwide. 


一般票|Regular Ticket|NT$ 1,200

贊助票|Sponsored Ticket|NT$ 3,000

↳購買贊助票之觀眾,即贈 Jo Malone London大稻埕形象概念店 提供之「青檸羅勒與柑橘香水 9ML」+「黑莓子與月桂葉香水 9ML」(市價$1,900元)

Jo Malone London大稻埕形象概念店

<p>今年七月,英倫香氛品牌Jo Malone London亞洲首間座落於百年歷史建築中的形象概念店在大稻埕開啟全新篇章。全新店面位於大稻埕迪化街入口處,一幢擁有百年歷史的三層老宅,在保留歷史建築結構的基礎上,將英倫風格與現代元素糅合進室內空間,向在地歷史與文化致敬的同時,也建構出古風氣息、新舊相融的獨特門市,並創造獨特香氛、購物體驗。</p>

今年七月,英倫香氛品牌Jo Malone London亞洲首間座落於百年歷史建築中的形象概念店在大稻埕開啟全新篇章。全新店面位於大稻埕迪化街入口處,一幢擁有百年歷史的三層老宅,在保留歷史建築結構的基礎上,將英倫風格與現代元素糅合進室內空間,向在地歷史與文化致敬的同時,也建構出古風氣息、新舊相融的獨特門市,並創造獨特香氛、購物體驗。

Jo Malone London大稻埕形象概念店 提供贊助票之贈品

<p><strong>Jo Malone London </strong>「青檸羅勒與柑橘香水 9ML」+「黑莓子與月桂葉香水 9ML」(市價$1,900元)</p>

Jo Malone London 「青檸羅勒與柑橘香水 9ML」+「黑莓子與月桂葉香水 9ML」(市價$1,900元)


  • 02-2552-1338
  • ask@tttifa.com